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Agora Sim ,Isto começa a ficar Interessante - Citigroup
Sempre disse que até falir um ou mais mega Bancos Mundiais isto ia continuar a malhar.
Ora parece que um deles ja anda lá perto.
O Citibank que hoje ja cai mais de 18% , ontem foram 25%.
Citigroup's Pandit: We Will Not Sell Smith Barney
Friday November 21, 10:34 am ET
As Citigroup officials continue to weigh their options, Chief Executive Vikrum Pandit said he would like to keep the company together and does not wish to spin off its Smith Barney brokerage unit.
Who are the biggest owners of Citigroup?
Pandit's comments came during a morning conference call with his staff. During the call, Pandit said "rumor mongering is at the heart of our problems," and he reiterated that Citigroup's capital position is very strong.
With Citigroup (NYSE:C - News) shares plunging below $5 a share on Thursday for the first time in 13 years, pressure is mounting, and could ultimately result in Pandit stepping down because of the lack of confidence in his ability to lead the firm through these troubled times.
By falling below $5, many mutual funds and institutional investors -- in particular pension funds -- must unload shares of Citigroup to comply with investment guidelines.
Senior officials at Citigroup have told CNBC that they will have to make a strategic change in the firm's direction, including finding a possible merger partner or raising cash in the coming days to arrest the sharp slide in the firm's stock price.
A Citigroup spokesman had no comment, but investment banking sources say possible partners could include Morgan Stanley (NYSE: ms), Goldman Sachs (NYSE: gs) or State Street Bank (NYSE: stt). Both Goldman and Morgan have recently switched over to banking holding companies so they could collect deposits. But finding a possible partner would be difficult in an environment where every major firm is reeling from the credit crunch and has its own set of problems.
Citigroup's has been reeling on concerns that mounting losses from credit cards, mortgages and toxic debt could overwhelm its efforts to slash costs and add deposits.
Citigroup says its capital position is strong but acknowledges that the market appears to want to bank to raise more cash. Officials inside the bank denied speculation that Citigroup might approach the U.S. Treasury for more money from the $700 billion Wall Street bailout fund.
On Thursday, Citigroup officials began pushing SEC officials to reinstate the so called uptick rule, which made it more difficult for professional investors known as short seller-who make money betting that shares will decline-to short Citigroup stock.
(Citigroup's board meets today to discuss the bank's options. Watch the accompanying video for more...)
Citigroup's shares may be tumbling, but Ladenburg Thalmann's banking analyst Dick Bove said he does not see any reason for Citigroup to follow the path of Lehman and fail. Bove maintained his "buy" rating on the stock on Thursday.
The current decline in the stock price is reflecting a series of fears related to loans and security values that cannot be actualized without a severe setback in the economy and a very rapid increase in interest rates, Bove said.
Citigroup has access to U.S. Federal Reserve funds, is working at insuring some of its debt and is reducing its balance sheet faster than any other company in the banking industry, said Bove, who believes these steps backstops the bank's liabilities.
"It would take a Depression every bit as large and long as the 1930s debacle to shake this company's viability," Bove said.
Citi Presses to Bring Back Short-Selling Ban
As part of its efforts to curb the rumor-mongering it alleges is hurting its stock, Citi has told members of Congress to address short-selling, people familiar with the matter told Reuters.
The Financial Services Roundtable, an industry group, is also pressing for regulators to temporarily bring back the emergency ban that ended on Oct. 8.
The group, which represents most of the largest banks, brokerages, asset managers, and insurance companies in the United States, has been talking to securities regulators and others about reinstating the ban since it was lifted, said Scott Talbott, senior vice president in government affairs in Washington, DC.
Those efforts have increased in recent days as financial stocks have plummeted, Talbott said. "When conditions warrant, you want to prevent a downward spiral for shares. Investors are acting on panic now," he said.
Slideshow: Big Budget Events
If financial stocks were reaching irrationally high levels, the group would seek measures to rein them in, Talbott said. "We want markets to operate efficiently," he added.
Short-sellers borrow stock they expect will fall in price in the hope of repaying the loans for less and pocketing the difference. They have been blamed by some corporate executives for driving down the price of their companies' stock.
John Nester, a spokesman for the SEC, declined to comment. The agency separately announced on Thursday that it will hold a teleconference of international securities regulators next week to discuss short selling, among other topics.
O que isto que dizer? Para mim é simples o sistema financeiro tal como existe acabou, faliu.
E só estamos a adiar o inevitável , o colapso.
O que isto vai gerar? Depressão completa.
Como diz um amigo meu , neste momento o sistema financeiro mundial é um paciente a beira da morte , aquele a quem já dao massagem cardica , choques e injecções para ver se o reanimam mas nada.
No caso da banca é dinheiro mais dinheiro e aquilo continua a morrer , cada vez pior.
O que isto que dizer? Para mim é simples o sistema financeiro tal como existe acabou, faliu.
E só estamos a adiar o inevitável , o colapso.
O que isto vai gerar? Depressão completa.
Como diz um amigo meu , neste momento o sistema financeiro mundial é um paciente a beira da morte , aquele a quem já dao massagem cardica , choques e injecções para ver se o reanimam mas nada.
No caso da banca é dinheiro mais dinheiro e aquilo continua a morrer , cada vez pior.
Portanto o cenário é muito negro.
Bem diziam que era preciso dez vezes mais que os 700 biliões para haver algum efeito notável na tal ajuda, cá para mim está muito mais negro do que se pensa também, sou da mesma opinião.
Qualquer dia a cotação cai tanto, para o nível dos cêntimos, que se tornará fácil qualquer um entrar em força no capital da mesma, acho que há um humor de Wall Street que calharia bem neste tema e que agora anda na moda, curtam!
Posted on Friday, November 21st, 2008
By Andreas Hippin
DJIBOUTI - The Somali pirates, renegade Somalis known for hijacking ships for ransom in the Gulf of Aden, are negotiating a purchase of Citigroup.
The pirates would buy Citigroup with new debt and their existing cash stockpiles, earned most recently from hijacking numerous ships, including most recently a $200 million Saudi Arabian oil tanker. The Somali pirates are offering up to $0.10 per share for Citigroup, pirate spokesman Sugule Ali said earlier today.
The negotiations have entered the final stage. Ali stated, “You may not like our price, but we are not in the business of paying for things. Be happy we are in the mood to offer the shareholders anything at all.”
The pirates will finance part of the purchase by selling new Pirate Ransom Backed Securities. The PRBS’s are backed by future ransom payments from hijackings in the Gulf of Aden. Moody’s and S&P have already issued their top investment grade ratings for the PRBS’s.
Head pirate Ubu Kalid Shandu said, “We need a bank so that we have a place to keep all of our ransom money. Thankfully, the dislocations in the capital markets have allowed us to purchase Citigroup at an attractive valuation and to take advantage of TARP capital to grow the business even faster.”
Shandu added, “We don’t call ourselves pirates. We’re coast guards. This will just allow us to guard our coasts better.”
In [url=]Weekly World News[/url]
Qualquer dia o está mesmo tão barato que acaba mesmo por ser comprado por um grupo de piratas pequenos.
E o Volume da Citigroup [C] nos mercados cada vez sobe mais, logicamente, com a cotação cada vez mais baixa, mas é engraçado o salto no Volume nos últimos dias, e ficam aqui uns gráficos para mais tarde recordar:
Sacyr vende Itinere ao Citigroup por quase 8 mil milhões de euros
Sacyr vende Itinere ao Citigroup por quase 8 mil milhões de euros
A construtora espanhola Sacyr Vallehermoso, que detém a portuguesa Somague, vendeu a operadora de auto-estradas Itinere Infraestructuras, a um fundo do Citigroup por 7,9 mil milhões de euros.
A venda para o Citi Infrastructure Partners vai reduzir a dívida da Sacyr para os 12,5 mil milhões de euros, anunciou a empresa espanhola em comunicado ao regulador de Espanha, segundo a Bloomberg.
A quinta maior construtora espanhola registou, no trimestre que terminou em Setembro, prejuízos de 16,5 mil milhões de euros, o que representa mais de sete vezes o seu valor de mercado. A empresa foi penalizada pela tentativa de se expandir no mercado energético e pela queda do mercado imobiliário em Espanha.
A Sacyr adquiriu uma participação na Repsol que lhe custou 6,5 mil milhões de euros, em 2006, e que tem sido cobiçada pela petrolífera russa Lukoil.
“Apesar da venda da Itinere ser uma boa notícia a qualquer valor, não dissipa todas as incertezas” sobre a sua situação, afirmou Emílio Rotondo, analista do Fortis Bank em Madrid citado pela agência noticiosa norte-americana.
O analista acrescentou que “acreditamos que a Sacyr vai continuar interessada em vender a sua participação na Repsol.”
In [url=]Jornal de Negócios[/url]
Parece que o ainda tem pernas para andar. Vamos a ver até quando.